Vedson:One Stop Solution - - Free Delivery on All Orders
Shipping Policy

For Introductory offer all customers will get Free Shipping (Free Delivery Charges) on all orders they purchase on website/application/m-site.

Shopping Above Rs 500, Delivery charges=free

Shopping below Rs 500, Delivery charges= Rs 25 per order.

For delivery charges please check order summary.

This introductory offer of Free Shipping (Free Delivery Charges) can be discontinued by Vedson anytime as and when required without any prior notice to the customers.

Vedson can also change shopping amount and delivery chargers (shipping charges) as per vedson discretion without any prior intimation.

Even if in shipping policy if any amount is mentioned and in order summary any other amount is displayed than on order summary value which is displayed will be considered as final and customer has to pay that amount to Vedson as delivery charges (Shipping charges).

Track your package

You can find tracking information in your order details page.

Login to your account ? My Account ? My Orders

Click on Tracking Order Button customer can see in every order under Invoice Number.

By clicking on tracking order customer can track their order which seller has shipped.

Check your Order Summary for more details regarding your Delivery (Shipping) Charges.

Our Courier Partner

We work with the following carriers/courier/shipping logistics partner to deliver items to our customers. If you have an issue with your delivery, you can contact the carrier directly.

When your shipment is out for delivery than it may be delivered to you between 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on the same day.

Courier Servic Tracking/Contact Information

Delhiver Email –

call +91-124-6719500

Ecom Expres

Call +91-8376888888

In case seller has self shipped the item than you have to contact courier company through which seller has shipped the item. Contact details of the courier company can be easily found on the internet. And if you don’t find contact details than just send us email on mentioning your order number, courier company name and tracking number we will try to find and send to you contact details of that courier company.

What is estimated Delivery Time?

Estimated delivery time depends on the customers location and sellers location.

Courier company delivery schedule.

Product availability with the seller.

Are there any hidden costs (Sales tax, octroi etc) on items sold by sellers on Vedson?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on Vedson. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.

Delivery Charges and COD (Cash on Delivery) are not hidden charges and are charged extra depending on the orders and shipping policy of the Vedson.

Why does the estimated delivery time vary for each seller product?

You have probably noticed varying estimated delivery time for sellers of the product you are interested in. Delivery time depends on product availability, geographic location of seller, geographic location of customer and the courier partner’s time to deliver in your location.

For more information regarding the estimated delivery time please enter pin code of yours on the product page.

Seller does not/cannot ship to my area. Why?

Please enter your pin code on the product page to know whether the product can be delivered to your location or not.

If you haven’t provided your pin code until the checkout stage, the pin code in your shipping address will be used to check for serviceability.

Whether your location can be serviced or not depends on

Whether the seller ships to your location

The availability of reliable courier partners in your location

Any legal restrictions, if any in shipping particular products to your location.

Many times sellers prefer not to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at sellers own discretion.

Why is the COD option not offered in my location?

Availability of COD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery.

Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery depending on the destination and your order value might have exceeded this limit. Please enter your pin code on the product page to check if COD is available in your location or not.

I need to return an item, how do i arrange for pick-up?

Returns are easy. You have to raise return/replacement/exchange request from My order section in your account on our website/application/m-site against that order or any single item from a order. Wherever possible our shipping logistics partner will facilitate the pick-up of the item. In case, the pick-up cannot be arranged through our logistics partner, you can return the item self ship through a third-party courier service only after approval of the return request by the seller. Return fees are borne by the seller. Return pick-up will be arranged after the seller gives approval of the reverse pick-up of a return request.

What do the different tags like “In Stock”, “Preorder” means?

In Stock- In stock means that the product which customer is seeing on product detail page is available for purchase, but it may change when final payment is done on the payment page.

Preorder- Such items are expected to be released soon and can be pre-booked for you. The item will be shipped to you on the day of it’s official release launch (Stock Available on date) and will reach you in 3 to 6 business days.

Pre-booking Available Up to (Pre-booking Ends on) means this is the last date on which customer can do pre-booking of the product which is available.

Pre-booking duration for every product item will varies from item to item.

Out Of Stock- Currently the item is not available for sale.

Does Vedson deliver Internationally?

As of now Vedson deliver product only at shipping address in India Only.

But Customers can buy the products with Indian Cards as well as International cards as allowed by our payment gateway providers.

For Shipment and fulfillment there are 2 ways to do so from the sellers.

1 Vedson Fulfilled - Vedson Shipping logistics partner will pick-up the package from the seller and Ship the Product to the customer.

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, and make package ready to ship and handover to the Vedson shipping partner in Vedson Fulfilled Orders

2)Seller Fulfilled - Seller himself will Ship the Product only through a courier company which has online tracking facility available for the order.

In this seller himself has to ship the product to the customer and mention AWB/Tracking number and upload the courier receipt/manifest so that online tracking can be done of the product to the customer.

Seller is responsible to source, sell, pack, fulfill, ship, and deliver the products to customer in case of Seller Fulfilled Orders.

3)Reverse Pickup - Reverse Pickup will always be picked up and shipped back to the seller in case of return/refund/replacement/exchange by Vedson Shipping Partner Only.

If pick-up from customer pin code is not serviceable by our shipping partner than customer has do to self ship to the seller and amount of the courier charges vedson will credit in Vedson Credit/loyalty point of the customer Vedson Credit. And that amount is to be borne by the seller.

4)Reship Shipment – Reship will also be done through Vedson/Shipping Partner or by seller self ship.

Reship will be done in case of any exchange/replacement of the product to the customer for any order.