Vedson:One Stop Solution - - Free Delivery on All Orders
Refund Policy

Once seller receives returned item and confirms us the receipt of the returned item, seller checks the quality of the product of the returned item and product is passed by sellers quality check and if returned item is complied with terms and conditions of return policy, than seller inform us to refund the amount to the buyer and then we will refund the amount into buyer vedson credit account as per convenience of the All refunded amount will only be refunded to vedson credit of

Refund Timeline for payment mode as below

For prepaid orders

Refund Method - Refund Processing Time

Vedson Credit - 2-3 working days

For COD/Pay on delivery orders

Refund Method - Refund Processing Time

Vedson Credit - 2-3 working days

Above refund processing time starts after seller inform vedson to initiate the refund to the buyer.

In case of COD/Pay on delivery orders, refund processing time will start after we receive the order amount from the shipping partner or approval of refund from the seller whichever is later will be counted for refund processing time.

If the timeframe is over and you have not received the refund in Vedson Credit than please contact our customer support or fill the contact form on our website for the same mentioning order id to get refund as soon as possible.


Refund amount will only be given in Vedson Credit on

Customer can buy any other product/item from

Cash / Bank Account Transfer / Cards transfer to original payment method will not be given in any case as a refund of any item or order.

Below are the points when seller issues refund to the customer

1) For damaged/defective item seller will issue refund if the item cannot be repaired or replaced.

2) In any case where refund is required seller/s need to authorise that refund. can only process and assist refund to customer once seller notifies the receipt of the item, checks the quality of the product, product quality check is passed by the seller and seller notify us to do the refund to the customer.

Once seller notifies us the receipt of the return item, checks the quality of the product, product quality check is passed by the seller and seller notifies us for the refund, above processing time will apply for initiating refund to customer.

3) Any refunds will be given to the customer in Vedson Credit only.

Refunds cannot be given in any bank account or any cards payment mode or in original payment mode.

4) If in any case customer is not accepting the item from shipping company than customer is not eligible for refund of the item.

Refund cannot be done to third party vedson credit.

Shipping Cost Refund

1) For Vedson Fulfilled items any return of item customer has shipped to the seller address than shipping cost of Rs 50 will be refunded to customer in vedson credit.

2) If shipping cost is above Rs 50 and up to Rs 200 has been incurred by customer for larger and heavier items than proof of payment like courier receipt need to be submitted to us on

3) All shipping amount refund will be credited to you in customer vedson credit account/loyalty points only.

4) For seller fulfilled items, you can request the seller to reimburse the reverse shipping cost you incurred by sending them courier receipt.

5) In case customers do shipment than please take proper photos, video of the item during packing and weight photo of the item packed. Than only in any dispute we will be able to help the customer.

6) In Case of any false representation, or wrong information shipping cost will not be refunded.

Refunds Full/partial will be given to the customers if below reasons occurs for any of the orders item from the customer

1) Issuing full refund after the customer accepts the order.

Customer accept the entire package and then customer has to register a request of return and refund on website/mobile application within the return period requesting refund for the entire order

Possible reasons could include as below

1.1) Incorrect Product Delivered

1.2) Defective Product Delivered

1.3) Expired Product Delivered

1.4) Product not as described

1.5) Wrong item was sent

2) Issuing full partial refund for the product/s after the customer accepts the order

Customer accept the entire package and then customer has to register a request of return and refund on website/mobile application within the return period requesting refund for the particular item within the order

Possible reasons could include as below

1.1) Incorrect Product Delivered

1.2) Defective Product Delivered

1.3) Expired Product Delivered

1.4) Product not as described

1.5) Wrong item was sent

Refunds will not be given to the customers if below reason occurs for any of the orders item from the customer

1) On undelivered orders

If shipments are not delivered to the customers for various reasons like

1.1) Business Closed

1.2) Inaccessible location

1.3) Address not found

1.4) Wrong Address

1.5) No secure location

1.6) Package is damaged

2) On Orders rejected by the customers

Shipment was rejected by the customer for various reasons like

2.1) Expired Product

2.2) Incorrect Product

2.3) Defective Product

2.4) Product No Longer Needed

2.5) Product not as described

2.6) Wrong product ordered

2.7) Product not required

2.8) Bought by mistake

2.9) Or any other reason customer is telling to courier person or selecting on website/mobile app/m website in case he want refund.

Note: For any refund to initiate seller must approve the refund. Vedson will initiate the refund to the customer in Vedson Credit only. Vedson will initiate the refund only after seller approves the refund. Refunds can only be given to the customer if product returned to the seller is passed by quality check of the seller.